Grounded Mums group classes are a fantastic way to maintain your fitness in a way that supports your changing body during pregnancy, they are suitable for all levels of fitness regardless of your previous experience and are a great way to start preparing for recovering in the bast way you can for the early postpartum period.
For the postpartum mamas, these classes are suitable for after your 6 week check and start gently, helping you to progress in an intentional and supportive way that honours the amazing journey your body has been on.
I run two types of strong mums classes, the intensive 4 week course which i advise all mums to start off with as this is a mix of education and movement that will give you the tools and knowledge to keep progressing and rebuilding your strength and fitness. This course will help lay the foundations for intentional and balanced training that has carry over to all the activities being a mum demands you be able to do.
Once you have completed the 4 week course you can then progress to the weekly strong mums class which puts everything you've learnt into practice to ensure you keep building strength and confidence. These classes are fun, baby and child friendly and are a a great way to meet like minded women, all in the well equipped setting of Crossfit RTV in Earith, Cambridgeshire.
You will struggle to find a friendlier and more supportive environment than this gym, we also have the space to ourselves for the class!
During this period, both the Grounded Mums group class and the Grounded Mums Pilates class have moved to a virtual setting and are being held over Zoom.
Both classes can be booked HERE
NEW CLASS! Starts January 22nd 8:45 - 9:30
Bookable in blocks of 4 sessions
£20 for Crossfit RTV members
NEW COURSE! Starts January 22nd 9:45 -10:30
4 week Course
£20 for Crossfit RTV Members
Pregnancy and Postpartum One to One Coaching
Throughout the week - availability on request